Join HRD at the 2024 ACPC Conference

Summer brings many events to look forward to. At HRD Aero Systems, Inc., the Air Carriers Purchasing Conference (ACPC) is one of our favorites. We’re proudly cosponsoring ACPC 2024 alongside airline Air Transport Services Group (ATSG), scheduled for August 24 through 27 in Dallas, Texas. This year HRD’s very own Jay Bant will be the Supplier Chairman of the conference.



What Is ACPC?

ACPC, Air Carriers Purchasing Conference, is an annual event that helps build connections between airline purchasing agents and representatives from suppliers. The conference includes an exciting mix of professional and social activities to help develop strong business relationships. Registering for the event entitles attendees to:

  • The Aviation Networking Forum (ANF): This special exhibit is a one-day event where airline attendees can browse supplier booths.
  • Business development assistance: Attendees can receive perks like free coaching and professional headshots to help them grow their customer bases.
  • Meals with guest speakers: The conference brings in seasoned veterans and keynote speakers to share trends, strategies and industry expertise.
  • Airline roundtable sessions: Suppliers will receive a predetermined number of 10-minute, one-on-one meetings with airline attendees.
  • Professional development opportunities: ACPC hosts numerous career development sessions and collaborative workshops to further industry knowledge.
  • Meet-and-greet sessions: These are chances to network in a more relaxed and casual setting.

Learn more about the conference by checking out last year’s agenda or reading the overview.

Why Attend ACPC 2024?

The annual conference is ideal for airline industry professionals aged 21 and up. Registration is generally free for airline employees who purchase goods or repair services. Suppliers pay a per-representative fee to attend.

The conference aims to provide networking opportunities, promote industry expertise and unite aviation industry professionals. As a result, attendees enjoy:

  • Opportunities to meet global airline representatives.
  • Numerous career-building workshops and tools.
  • Chances to build customer relationships with other suppliers.

HRD Aero Systems, Inc. Is a Trusted Industry Partner

In 1985, HRD Aero Systems revolutionized the fire extinguisher overhaul process for airlines with faster turn times, affordable costs and high-quality results. Today, we continue to provide value with full-scale aircraft safety equipment repair and service. Our team has extensive expertise in supplying and maintaining:

Save the Dates and Join Us

We’re looking forward to welcoming you to our booth, where you can learn more about HRD Aero Systems and how we can help. Plan your visit today so you don’t miss any of the excitement!