What to Do in an Airplane Emergency

The chances of experiencing an aviation emergency are extremely low. According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), fatal accidents are declining each year. However, flight crews are still first and foremost safety professionals. Preparation is crucial to keeping passengers safe in any situation.

Emergency training is a life-saving skill and an FAA requirement. At HRD Aero Systems, we offer technical training sessions to give your crew the knowledge and hands-on experience they’ll need in the event of an aircraft emergency.

Flight attendant and crew training is an intensive process that prepares you for any emergency. There are many things to remember to ensure your crew’s and passengers’ safety. Here are some key tips to keep in mind during an in-flight emergency.

Prepare Before Every Flight

Whether you’re an experienced flier or just starting, it’s essential to approach every flight with the utmost care and attention to detail. Every aircraft, crew and group of passengers is different. Account for the particulars of each flight, such as the origin and destination, flight length and external conditions. This information will be useful if you need support from the ground during an emergency.

Take the time to refresh your memory on emergency procedures. Make sure you know where important equipment is and where the emergency exits are.

Be Mindful

Simple awareness can go a long way toward safety and survival. By remaining vigilant both before and during an emergency, you increase your chances of making the proper judgment calls and taking swift action. From the moment you board the plane, keep an eye out for potentially concerning situations. Identify passengers who will be able to help in an emergency and those who might need help.

Passengers and other crew will sense your energy. If you project calm during an aircraft emergency, you can prevent panic and enable everyone to follow proper emergency procedures for safety.

Remember Your Training

During an emergency, there will be many things going on. Using the skills you’ve learned in training will keep you focused on what’s important amidst the chaos. Follow the emergency procedures and guidelines you’ve practiced repeatedly. Remember to prioritize safety, including your own — you can’t help others if you can’t help yourself! Keep in mind you’ve prepared to handle situations like this one, and you’ll know what to do.

Learn More About Airplane Emergency Training

At HRD Aero Systems, we’re on board with you. Our crew member safety training covers areas like service etiquette, medical procedures and emergency situations. When you’re in the air, there’s no way to predict what could happen. That’s why it’s critical to be ready for anything. Our modules prepare your crew for over a dozen specific circumstances, from equipment and flight issues to human factors and passenger behavior.

We provide a range of aircraft safety equipment and training services to ensure the proper handling of any aviation emergency. Learn more about our emergency training services for your flight crew or contact us today for more information on our equipment and services.